July 1, 2009


i feel a bit irritated with fly fm. don't get me wrong though. they're one of my favorite morning radio shows, they accompany me during those long hours stuck in traffic, they have the coolest competitions, but i am really annoyed with the layout of their web. geez. and they never reply any of the mails i send in!

i was really obssessed over their end bits last time, up to the point of madly trying to be one of the callers through each time the lines were open. i did get through eventually (when the cash prize was 11k ok, OMG!) but i gave them the wrong answer. chis! i don't think anyone i know heard my scratchy voice on air because noone even asked me about it, hahahaha. the answer to the end bit at the time was Tik Tok Simpati by Ahli Fikir, if any of you still remember that one. then recently fly fm did a little twist to the end bit, previously it was the last bit of a song, this time around it was the last bit of the first line in the movie. hehe. if Significant Other was around i was sure to catch the end bit segment in the mornings on the way to work. he hasn't been around lately so i often miss it (i leave for work later than usual, hehe) so i was quite disappointed when i heard 13k+ was already won by someone in KL last week. the answer was Flubber by the way. the new end bit is the last bit of a tv show opening. i think. confusing betul.

at least this time fly fm was nice enough to post the answer on their web. last time someone won one of the end bits, but i missed it on air but i couldn't find the answer anywhere on the web. so i emailed the crew and left them comments and whatever way that i could just to find out what the answer was (curiosity kills the cat you know). did they reply? NOOOoOoOo. nada. nilch. jergh. until now they never answered, until now i've already forgotten which end bit it was. blergh.

anyway that's old news. i wanted to complain about their wake up your brain section on the web. they list down all the wrong answers, but the question is not listed. wth? did they do that on purpose? i remember last time the question was actually posted on the web, along with the wrong answers. i mean at 20k, it's worth trying for, right? i don't leave the house early enough to actually catch that segment on air. so i sent them another email. and they still didn't reply. sigh. benci la. luckily they have a superb morning crew. if not i might have just boycotted them completely. sometimes i wish people would develop more user friendlier websites. sometimes looking for simple information such as business hours is also a hassle (until now i have yet to hear from Sarakids, i couldn't find their business hours anywhere on their pinky site).

come on people! make your customers and listeners happy! and they will happily pledge their alliance to you. seriously. the way to a shopper's heart is making them happy. i'm not kidding.

oh, and yesterday i had the most worst experience ever. have you ever attempted a written test, only to have it conducted through the phone? i experienced something like that. NOT pleasant. nuff said.

actually this is not what i had initially planned to blog about. i already forgot what it was that i wanted to write about, since i've been too consumed with my annoyance of technology. i think i'm technologically-impaired, if that is even a word. hahaha. oh oh. i remember already. next post! =P~~~

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