July 31, 2009

horri the horrible

fifie's horri says "oh hai, you're interrupting me's dinner time"

i came across this little critter while browsing through fifie's Facebook. judging from the name given by my friend, i'm guessing it's a male. haha. isn't he the cutest thing? horri is a sugar glider! fifie says they're easy to take care of. i wonder if they make good pets for children. i'm guessing not.

i read up a bit on sugar gliders. there's a whole bunch of sites with really useful information on sugar gliders for those who are interested in adopting one as a pet. i didn't even know you could actually. hehe. did you know they're called pocket pets? you can keep them in your pocket and bring one around with you in their little bonding pouch. i find that really amusing. sugar gliders are nocturnal animals, so they sleep mostly during the day and are active during the night.

sugar gliders are ready to be adopted ideally at around 8 weeks old. sugar gliders need alot of attention in order to grow up healthily. they have very happy personalities and like it when you constantly interact with them. this is really important as they can get lonely if you leave them alone for long periods of time (don't we all?). they can live for 8 to 12 years in captivity, so i suggest if there's someone able to take care of one for that long, then by all means get one =P. but be prepared for the responsibilities that comes with owning a pet!

since they're gliders, you need a big cage for them to be able to move about. hamster cages simply won't cut. they're actually really clean creatures, but mind you, they don't know the proper place for them to poop, so you'll have to improvise abit there each time you let them loose. they also like to chew things too. and bite. sugar gliders can be tamed but this can take months to achieve; once your sugar glider is accustomed to your presence and knows who you are, they'll be your companion for life, no kidding =P.

a proper balanced diet should also be established for them. you can't feed them just anything - do you want your sugar glider to be fat and lazy like you? =P sugar gliders get their name due to 1) they love sweet substances, and 2) they love to glide (glide okay, not fly. they're two different things. your sugar glider will never be SUPER glider). i'm not exactly sure what you can feed them, but i do know they love fruits and vegetables, and there are some restrictions to certain foods, but i do know that you shouldn't try to feed them cat or dog food. they're sugar gliders okay. not a cat or a dog. sugar gliders should never be compared to hamsters or meeces, they're in a whole different league of their own.

i think that's all i'm gonna write about these cuties. i've never seen one in real life so it's better to find out more about them from those who are the actual experts in the topic =). just wanted to poke your curiosity. hehe.


Ummi to Hamzah said...

it looks horrible to be a pet...

astagfirullahalazim...tak baik saya kata begitu ttg ciptaan Allah...

tapi still,i wouldn't want for a pet :D

E`n1x said...

hey, they're cute okay!