July 20, 2009

spoilt for love

please enlighten me... will babywearing and breastfeeding result in producing a spoiled child?

i don't believe babywearing will result in your child being clingy all the time.
i believe it will give her a sense of security and teach her to become independent at an early age.

i don't believe breastfeeding will result in your child being fully dependent on you.
i believe the good benefits outweighs the bad (in fact, is there really any bad benefits worth mentioning here?).

i don't believe picking up your baby each time she cries will result in a spoilt baby.
i believe it will give your child assurance that there will always be someone there to rely on.

there are, such people who thinks that the above issues shouldn't be explored further when it comes to raising a baby. they think that the baby will grow up to be a spoilt brat.

i'm really disappointed with the people who thinks as such. seriously. just because something works for you doesn't mean it will work for me. only moms know best at how they want to raise their child. others can only advise, and shouldn't be the ones making decisions for you. anyway, nobody's blaming you if their child one day decides to get a mohawk, or if they decide to make the dean's list, or if they decide to rob a bank, or decides to become the next Bill Gates, is there? some people show their love in different ways. this is how i show mine.

this is coming from a Mommy who loves the occasional hugs and endearments, just to make her feel special =).

my only wish is for my daughter to grow up to be a Somebody. and if she is spoilt, i'd say she'd be spoilt for love. isn't that a whole lot better?


Anonymous said...

i think, bila dia dah besar and faham (maybe around the age of 4 or 5), we will have to start disciplining them. But before that, they are too young to understand anything. We were breastfed (my mom said I was breastfed until I was 3 or 4!) and I left my family at the age of 12 to join sekolah asrama... Does that make me DEPENDENT???? What crap la people talking about. People who say that is in denial. And giving the kids handphones at the age of 7 does not help as well okay??! Marah la aku!!! Hish! Emo gitu. Heh...

Bonda Waldan said...

me agree la...only mom knows what is best for their baby...

Liz said...

mmg ada org yg akan ckp mcm tu. bagi saya, kita buat ape yg kita rasa terbaik utk anak. anak kita tu, KECIL hanya sekali seumur hidup. bila dah besar nnt, dia nak ke kena peluk cium dgn kita depan kwn2 dia? I don't think our child nak berkepit dgn kita je bila dah besar. jadi, masa dia kecil lagi ni la kita kena berikan kasih sayang kat dia. saya kurang setuju kalau ada org tegur bila saya angkat anak saya sebaik saja dia menangis. salah ke? anak tu x reti berckp la. menangis tu salah satu cara dia berckp dgn kita. kalau kita buat x reti je, mesti dia marah. sama la mcm kita. kalau kita berckp dgn org tp org buat derk je, ape perasaan kita?

akak buat je ape yg akak rasa bagus.. and babywearing + breastfeeding mmg benda yg bagus. jgn dgr ckp org.

Anonymous said...

Huh? Someone actually said breastfeeding is bad? That's a lie and a very misinformed opinion. Studies have shown that babies who are breastfed have better IQs and far healthier than those that aren't. Plus, many health scientists and psychologists agreed that breatfeeding is a healthier option - and improves relationship between mom and child. Also, picking up your baby or hugging them often enough are also good for better communications and relationship. You want your kid to be happy and emotionally-stable adult.

Siapa yang cakap otherwise? Merepek betul!