July 21, 2010

bye bye mandarine

htf mandarine linen

i've finally shipped Mandarine off to Spain *sniff*.
being htf, i might as well just hoard it, right?
who knows if its value will ever go up like Zinc or Rosie in the future?
and it's such a gorgeous shade of orange. not to mention soft and well broken-in too. hee.
but the length is too long for my liking, i wouldn't be using it as often anyway.
(still trying to convince myself actually. LOL)
at least i managed to make an idso mama happy =).

while i'm at it, should i just get rid of Quartz too?


aidafiqs adamia said...

oh no! kalau i tau i beli from you...waaa...

E`n1x said...

ala... u'd buy it off me? =(