October 31, 2011

how i save a little each time

the top left three are regular pads from Pleats, my favorite because it doesn't pill no matter how much i tonyoh.
the top right three are regular pads from Saffa.
the bottom left two are from MamaPatch, one regular, one liner.
the bottom two with the floral wings are from Randumosity, one liner, one regular. they're really soft but for me they pill easily and i always have a hard time getting the stains out.
the bottom third from right light blue pantyliner is from Saffa.
the rightmost one i can't remember the brand is AIO Cyclez, it's velour and i absolutely love it during heavy days.

word of advice, if you're a stain freak like me, don't get light-colored pads. get the ones with darker colors or with busy patterns =P~~~. i put this pic here so that i'm able to keep track of how many i actually have. haha.

i thought i wasn't gonna be a CP mama. i first bought a few CPs (read CP: cloth pads) when i was expecting so i only got to try them after i delivered Dinara. i wasn't a fan at first. i didn't mind the first few days cycle, i get irritated during the end of the cycle when the stains were so much harder to come out. i sold some of the many that i accumulated and left me with what's in the picture. they're enough to last me each cycle.

they come in many different sizes and material, with specific usage based on preference. i don't have to stock up on disposables anymore, i only use these. some people get turned off at the idea of cloth pads because they're too lazy to wash them, but hey if i get to save a couple of RM each month, why not? washing CPs are as easy as rinsing clear and then tossing them into the machine together with your normal washes. some mamas i know use menstrual cups, but the idea of sticking one up you-know-where brings shivers down my spine. haha. overreacting, maybe?

oh, and btw, they're hygienic =D

i'll try to add links if i can find them later for any of you who might be interested.

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