January 16, 2009

my observation list

1. MAM bottles, 160ml
Dayana drinks more than 4oz now, so i thought of getting some of these for my mom, so that she won't have to keep giving multiple bottles for one feed. 9oz bottles seems a bit big for my daughter, so 160ml would do nicely. it's either MAM or Tommee Tippee.


Tommee Tippee

2. Bumbo baby seat
i went to isetan with the intention of being up to no good, hahaha. luckily i didn't bring my credit card (i'm supposed to cut them up anyway). saw they had stocked this item in isetan. i heart! happen to be i'm looking for a baby chair to use when Dayana starts solids in 1+months' time but i'm not sure if it's suitable to be bought in the long term. my roommate has gone nuts over it. it does look cute, doesn't it? lol.

3. Phillips Mini Blender
i already bought some baby cubes, so now i berangan wanna make my own baby food. so far i saw the blender i've been eyeing selling at Tesco and isetan, so i think i'll get this next month (... since the Gaza issue, should i be boycotting Tesco now?). small containers will accompany my purchase if i buy the blender at Tesco =P

4. topshop dress! ok, this has nothing to do with Dayana. but i've got a wedding to attend tomorrow and i have absolutely nothing to wear. but the dress i'm keen on getting comes in black, and the wedding theme is garden wedding. hahah. omg, i hope it doesn't vanish when i go back down later for it. and on the side, probably 2 jersey tops at 20% off? hee~

5. crocs!

(Farrah, bile i dah curi the bumbo photo from google i baru terperasan that this photo is the same as the one in ur blog... sorry ya... but the pic itself is sooo cute! the baby's clothing is the same shade with the seat!)

1 comment:

Ummi to Hamzah said...

i tagged you in my recent entry ;)

btw i love tommy tippee products,my sis use it for her kids..