Dinara can already pull herself up into a standing position provided she has the proper leverage! whee! but she has yet to crawl properly (she starts out on all fours, but then continues to crawl military style @_@). she doesn't know how to plop back down once she's stood up though. haha.
big accomplishment!
she still isn't able to sit on her own. and she's entering the stage where she can't be left alone, else she'll wail macam kene dera. i remember leaving her for a few minutes in my room, sedar2 dia menangis teresak2 and had crawled almost to the bedroom doorway in search for human life, lol.
i remember leaving her in the room on the floor amongst her toys, with Daddy sitting on the bed. dia menangis but Daddy buat donno. when i finally came to pick her up, each time she shot dirty looks at Daddy and started to wail. haha. seems like she knows Daddy purposely didn't want to pick her up, so she decided to hold a grudge against him, kakakakaka.
Dinara used to fall asleep so easily. these days it is compulsory for her to roll all over the perimeter of the bed before she dozes off. and you have to teman her to sleep. doesn't help that Dayana pun akan menyibuk from time to time, so Dinara takkan jadi tido sebab kepochi is her middle name. she doesn't feed direct as much anymore, only when she wants to sleep, and before her rolling activity. haih.
Dayana pulak, spends the earlier of the night in her room, usually hijacking her sister's crib. the second half of the night she will slink into my room and continue her slumber there. she'll ask for a milk refill, and sometimes demand to sleep with me on the bed. and sometimes Dinara will wake up and so i have to contend with two groggy kids at 3-4 in the morning. sigh.
i've bought Dayana a Tommee Tippe Explora bottle with the hopes of getting her off the bottle, as well as hoping to reduce her milk intake at night, and train her to drink everything from a cup. so far she only uses her bottle for milk. i've replaced a number of teats due to wear and tear, so with this bottle i don't have to spend $$$ for replacements, and i also get to reduce mik spillage all over the room. one thing i dislike about this bottle is that Dayana will leave a bit left over in the bottle, and ask for more, it's like she unable to sip out that last bit. is that normal? penat lah ku mau refill banyak2 kali for her, aiyo @_@. that bottle is only about 330ml.
i bought one for Dinara as well, i let her try but it seems that she isn't really comfortable with it, because she let the water dribble down her chin and soak her clothes T_T. one time she tried sipping her sister's orange juice from the bottle and her dinner ended up all over the floor. sigh. masam sangat kot itu sunquick. hoho.
since Significant Other is in the mood to go jogging whenever he has free evenings and during the weekend, i've brought Dayana along a couple of times, she seems to love the excursions. i'd bring her to walk around the tasik (big tasik, i tell u hahah) and once we've completed a round, i'd let her play at the playground for awhile before heading home. she'd run, skip, sing (ntah apa2 punya lagu), chase the birds, stop at the top of the bridge to see if there's fish, all round the tasik. then she'd go 'do you see Daddy? say Daddy!' ala2 Dora style. haha. then we'd go home and she'd pengsan earlier than normal due to being tired out i guess. haha.
Dinara pun likes to go out. she'd stare at everything around her in fascination, provided she's in a good mood. recently i accidentally bought her the wrong size sleepsuits at mothercare, 9-12 months was almost a foot extra long, haha. konon boleh tahan lama la. kggal.
btw, kggal = ketawa guling-guling atas lantai. invented by some very smart friends of mine, hahahah.
Sunday last weekend we dropped by Empire because Significant Other wanted to sign up for some flight simulator theory classes at LEX. then we went to ToysRUs but didn't see anything worth buying for the two so we headed off to Adidas where Dayana got herself an orange ball to kick around. the Daddy bought himself some earphones to use while jogging. me and Dinara? we didn't get anything. right now i only have Pumpkin Patch on the brain. bila nak sale nih??
so anyway, we were walking out of the shop past an area where a couple of adults and kids were sitting down at a table doing some artwork. Dayana immediately stopped in her tracks, dropped her purchase onto the floor and joined them at the table in utmost fascination. haha. apparently the event was organized by this montessori organization in Subang Jaya where they were currently take enrollment. (*to be edited later once i reread the flyer). they take children as young as 18 months old (sorry la Dinara, you're still too young!).
sesi membuat turtle
while i talked to one of the person in charge, Dayana managed to make herself a paper turtle, and a beaded bracelet for herself. which got me to thinking that she'd learn so much more if we were to send her off somewhere to learn and explore (badddd mommy T_T). oh btw, can anyone of you recommend me a good place to send Dayana for pre-school in Shah Alam area? i stay je in Shah Alam, but i know nuts about Shah Alam. sorry... =P~.
we had lunch at The Loaf before going home. if you're a bread fan, this place is for you. i had the salmon panini, which was served with salad and chips, which Dayana happily ate. i think i prefer salmon as sushi than anything else. yesterday i had lunch with my colleague at Sushi King, i had the best lunch ever that i even forgot to be hungry at teatime =P. he really eats with an appetite =D (and i love it when people tak berkira pasal makan).
salmon panini
was supposed to go intai at F.O.S after work but i got so engrossed with some things on FB that i'm still in the office =P. and my MQC seems to act up on me, i'm unable to pass my test cases, sangat2 stress. then the whole IE hangs and closes up on me. pffft. pffft.
if everything goes as it should, it'll be a month before that someone goes off to Langkawi. can anyone recommend me budget accomodation that's avaialable in Langkawi? and if anyone knows how much a flight ticket would cost?