July 27, 2011

third time lucky

i was half asleep when i commented on Desi's post on FB. i think that was about the same time Puder Seide was released? (i don't do online weekends, kepala pusing tengok skrin kecik telepon epal).

i woke up at 6am to check my mail when i got the PM. woh, uber eksaited. actually i thought i was being punk'ed. i'm like, ehhh betul ke ni. i never win anything. so i went back to sleep. kakaka.

at 8am, someone started a thread post. and i received a PM from a very eksaited mama who is also sucked into the commenting craze as me =P~~~.

so betul la tu. i won. technically not that i won it for free. but i won the opportunity to own one. syiok! (ok now i feel like i'm 8 again).

i showed the picture to a colleague of mine, she said she didn't like how it looks (apekah??). mind you, she'd rather spend her hard-earned income elsewhere (read: fashionistas in MV).

i say third time lucky because in my life i don't think i ever won anything, or ever been outstanding in anything. in ballet exams, the highest i'd score is below distinction (the examiners have grudges against me!!!). heck, i scored 2nd place for my afternoon Agama classes and the Ustaz looks at me and thinks i cheated. chis. i wasn't a shining flower, and always kept well in the background. gamelan kept me happy during my Uni years. a dear friend of mine acted as the anchor for me to keep on believing.

do prove me wrong if you think any of this is untrue. haha.

first time lucky: a lucky draw during an antenatal class i dragged Significant Other to when i was pregnant ith Dinara. tak mengaku langsung that that was my second pregnancy (buat malu je hahahaha). the class helped alot, i managed to channel my energy towards breathing and pushing during labor, seriously (that was about it lah, mainly because i already went through everything 2 years before haha).

second time lucky: at my current company's dinner lucky draw. ok so i wasn't lucky enough to score meself an iPad like my friend did, but i managed to win rm200 vouchers at i-forgot-already some deparmental store. imagine i spent 5 years at my former company and not once did i win anything! chis dah chis lagi (i resigned because of that haha).

third time lucky: totally unexpected.


the question is, will this be mine or the kids'?


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