April 25, 2011

'environmentally' green

i was busy organizing my closet that day. to keep Dayana preoccupied, i handed her a box of flashcards and told her to play in front of the telly. she loves playing guess-the picture-on-the-card, and we've played a few times for her to understand how the game works so she was more than happy to go play by herself.

so... alkisahnye... this was what i overheard while hovering at the living room unnoticed:

Dayana: what this?
it's a clock! yes! (sila sebut clock without the 'l' ok, anak i ni keturun cina sikit =P)
Dayana: what color's the clock?
it's geeeeen!

puts back the card onto a pile. then picks another card up.

to myself: i rase the clock tu bukan green in color, apekah? so i snuck a little bit closer to get a better look.

Dayana: what this?
it's a cat!
Dayana: what color's the cat?
it's geeeeen!


i keep teaching her colors yet she still gets them wrong. does anyone have any pointers?


Maneesa said...

lily update and upload progress of your latest update to the love nest :)

E`n1x said...

you mean my condo? ah. i haven't uploaded pics, have i? will do so after i get back from my trip, super lazy me!