March 4, 2009

you know you’re an adventuregamer when…

i always get a crack out of this each time i read this. i'm recording this down in my blog so that i won't forget, being the absent-minded person that i am. i got this from Munira's dusty old and almost-forgotten blog, so i hope you don't mind me pasting it here? it's about time i do spring cleaning in my Favorites folder... i've been bookmarking pages at random until i forgot why i bookmarked them in the first place =P.


you know you’re an adventuregamer when…
(my favorites are the colored ones)

- The first thing you do when you enter a room is check the wastebasket.
- You don’t have conversations, you have "dialog trees".
- When the teacher asks you to do something, you say "I’m sorry. Those don’t work together.”
- You try to pry a piece of bubble gum off the floor with a crowbar.
- You have very liberal view on “borrowing”.
- Eerie graveyards always make you check your pockets for a shovel and you don't even question whether you can fit a shovel in there in the first place.
- You flip all the light switches in the house off and on in different combinations to see if anything happens.
- You see a cursor guiding your every move.
- Your gravestone rhymes.
- You wear the same outfit for days and days.
- You can travel all across a country in one day.
- You use a walkthrough to get through your life.
- You keep distracting people and stealing their stuff.
- You carry loads of different stuff around and try putting everything together with everything else and see if it works.
- You can afford to travel across the world in search for clues about the ancient mystery you've been dragged into, but you can't afford a sandwich in the shop next door.
- Cheap MIDI music seems to follow you around the place.
- You say the word 'examine' at times where everybody else would have said 'look'.
- You never have to eat any food, and can walk back and forth across huge landscapes or cities for hours on end without getting tired at all.
- People look into their pockets for change; you check your “inventory”.
- You can carry an innumerable amount of objects without any visible sign of them on your person.
- You can fit ridiculous gargantuan objects in your pocket (e.g. a ladder).
- Instead of “Youch!” or “Ouch!” you say “Ah Pappapishu!”
- You expect the soundtrack to swell as you do something important, like handing in your English paper or step off the bus.
- You die intentionally just to see what happens.

and my personal favorite:-

- You die, do you want to: Restart, Restore or QUIT?

1 comment:

Ummi to Hamzah said...

haha lawakla baca entry ni..lucky im no longer into video games :)