September 1, 2020

happy Independence Day Malaysia!

the things i get my kids to do in conjunction with Independence Day - get them to pose for a photo, bahahahhaha. my my, how my kids have grown, haha.

here's a photo i took way back in 2017 when i thought the multicolored KL scarf was pretty (it still is btw). brought it with me to Hong Kong Disneyland, it's been with me until now. it was about the time i dyed my hair red, and it rained in Hong Kong, so you can imagine what happened. luckily the color run easily washed off *phew*. anyway, the highlight isn't really much about the scarf. it's more about the kids holding up the scarf in the photo. 

second photo was taken 3 years later, same scarf, same but slightly 'aged' kids, hahahahha. they grow up so fast. does anyone have any petua on how to increase your chances of conceiving a boy? i've been trolling alia ishak's ig; her baby boy is so adorable... geram.

not like E1's excited about having a younger brother as a sibling. when i ask her "do you want a baby brother?" she shakes her head. tp laju je agree if i ask her if she wants a baby sister. how many sisthursss do you need?! before anyone starts comparing, girls fight just as hard as boys ok. the mco has taught me alot about this. LOL

my kids, 2017
my kids, 2020

my eldest turns a decade plus two as well. yikes. happy Independence Day, Malaysia!

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