December 3, 2013

graveyard humor

img source: Pandora's FB page

sorry, i couldn't resist pasting this photo here. i was trawling through the Pandora FB page (there's a whole bunch of nice people there, btw) when i came across the above photo. couldn't help but laugh especially when someone purposely set up a charm sitting smack right among the minions.

it's like:
minion A: look! poop. where it come from?
minion B: not poop. a bomb. KABOOOOM.
minion C: ooh, food!!! *rubs hands together*
minion D: *thinking it might be his poop after all*

(oh i soOoOo fail at caption competitions. sorry for the graveyard humor)
(also if you've heard of Shadows of Darkness you'd understand when i say 'graveyard'. haha. or maybe not.)

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