June 26, 2011

i found it

i remember vaguely ranting about how one of Dayana's key teethers disappeared years ago into thin air, i practically ransacked the house looking for it, but to no avail. things do not simply disappear into thin air, although harry potter's theory about items 'temporarily shrinking in size' just to annoy humans seems kinda possible, in the mind of mua that is =P.

it annoys the hell out of me when i can't find things. irritates me more that i can actually visualize the item at several possible places, only to ransack the place and end up finding zilch.

it is a pain to keep track of everything you own, i not only have to take care of my things, but the kids and Significant Other as well. he thinks i'm supposed to be some kind of electronic storage device or something. i on the other hand, do not wish to live my life solely 'looking for items'. tiring task ok, especially when you've already archived in your brain where everything is, only to have someone mess it up without telling you, and you end up losing things anyway. grrr.

i guess you already know by now that i suck at organizing. hee~~

anyway, i was looking for screws for that shelf my bil helped me set up in my room, it partially collapsed this morning causing several Transformers to fall to their deaths. apparently he didn't fit in all the screws for the shelf, so the shelf finally gave in to the weight of all those fat Transformers. my bil is currently studying to become a civil engineer in Portsmouth, but because of this mishap i am never stepping foot into any building that he has a part of designing in the future hahahahahah.

apa punya worksmanship ni?

back to me scouring for screws, i chanced upon the key teethers as i was ransacking his drawers for the extra screws that he might have kept for himself. huwaaaaaaaaaaa marah betul i, i carik pusing keliling buang tenaga dan raga and what else you name it. what the heck was he doing with the keys??? @_@

the long missed teether!!!

i also dislike keeping track of my daughter's toys. i gave up counting the number of cups, spoons, plates, forks, yada yada that she has for her toy kitchen downstairs. lagi lagi her magnetic alphabets that end up everywhere in the house. if you ask her where her toys are, she'll just answer 'i don't know!' and for added measure, lift up our bed skirting as if her missing toy will magically appear under our bed. tsk.

my method of searching is not to rush into looking for stuff, you'll end up not finding it. i wait a couple of hours (or maybe days) then start to look for it with a fresh mind. i almost always do find what i'm looking for (even though it takes days =P), unless i've already thrown it away or deem it to be useless and is just another piece of junk. Significant Other is the opposite though. pfft. i say he looks with his nose rather than his eyes. kggal.

ugh so sue me, i'm not perfect. i wish to be. but it's impossible to organize with limited room space and especially if you live with a pure hoarder, we have lots of things that are better off living in the storeroom than in our room (if we had a storeroom, that is). i seriously need expertise in cramming all of your items into a room that is only 50% the size of the total number of items that you have.

Saturday morning i teman Significant Other pergi jogging at the recreational park in the neighboring section. mimpi siang kot pukul 6 pagi he already woke me up saying 'jom!'. jergh. tengah semangat because he just got his DCA approval and has an upcoming medical checkup next week (reet, he actually kembanged when i relayed to him your comment kah kah kah).

i haven't exercised in centuries ever since i gave birth to Dayana - those two kids were my exercise! but apparently i'm soo out of shape because i was only a quarter done through the track when i started having side cramps. kah kah kah. managed only two rounds (90% consisted of brisk walking lol) before heading back to the house. the park has a playground for children, and a number of scattered picnic benches, maybe i'll bring the kids and bibik around next time.

then... i woke up the next day with every single joint in my body aching. kggal.

Sunday morning was spring cleaning time, which meant trying my very best to get rid of all the dust accumulated in the room @_@. i succeeded in vacuuming two very live cockroaches to their drowning deaths (ritz wasn't kidding when he said it could vacuum cockroaches, lizards even). i am not afraid of cockroaches ONLY IF i had a can of Ridsect in my hand (oh, you should've seen us that morning, Significant Other standing on the bed, me standing on Dayana's stool, ROTFL). anyway, Dayana made my day when i was talking to her while emptying out the contents of our vacuum cleaner in the bathroom. she's still in the Dora phase where she'll always exclaim things like, 'ooh, i love ice-cream!'. she asked me 'what you doing, Mommy?' so i told her that i was throwing away the lipas (as well as all the dust i managed to collect from our room) when she suddenly exclaimed 'oooh, i love lipas!' X_X i asked her again, 'you love lipas? ewwww, lipas is yucks!' then she thought for abit, then said, 'oh no. no no no. i don't like lipas. yucks!'. it's like she talks on autopilot or something without even understanding herself sometimes, lol.

but it's fun to hold conversations with her these days :)

here's a picture of Dinara entertaining herself in front of the mirror again. hehe.

muahs :*

btw, have you bought tickets for Transformers yet? i have!

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