May 17, 2011

i hate this weather

the weather has been super crazy!!! I am soo not liking it.

i think for the past few weeks i've been thrown one obstacle after another nonstop, and it's really wearing me down @_@ even my milk production is decreasing, my brain is set to worry mode so output just isn't as it used to be.

the whole family is sick! first Significant Other, then Dinara, then Dayana, including me. so i can take care of two kids on my own, but two SICK kids? nightmare i tell you.

so after Dinara came down with a slight fever on Thursday, Dayana came down with high fever the next day. while Dinara happily took her meds, it was a PITA to get Dayana to take hers. omg it was like world war #2101 @_@ it was bad enough that she's the type where your temp seems fine during the day, but spikes up gila2 during the night. she didn't even like spongebaths. tried to bribe her with chocolate pun tak bley. she requested for the occasional burger, fries, soup T_T but ate very little. minum pun very little. for the first time i tried sticking one of those kool-fever gels onto her forehead. do they actually work? she didn't like it at first, but i guess she eventually got used to it.

i wonder how long do i have to wait before i really need to start to worry. i started her on antibiotics on Monday, it's early Wednesday morning now and she's still feverish. sigh.

Dinara is already in the crawling-everywhere-like-nobody's-business stage. she's one happy camper, she's at the stage where she isn't smart enough to say NO to meds, lol. recently she's started babbling to herself. 'ma ma ma'...'ba ba ba'... chomel! is it normal that she's almost 9 months old yet she still isn't able to sit up steadily without support? she's starting to wake up in the middle of the night too, i hope it's because she's unwell and it'll pass once she gets better.

i'm up at 2am stalking Grass, hahah. i didn't even realize that Tuesday was Wesak day. i had two kids to take care of the whole day, but they kept taking turns driving me crazy, one up while the other slept. not to mention i was also trying to finish my work the but i kept coming across invisible hurdles in input, enrichment and recycling... grrrr stress ok. it's like someone is secretly cursing me T_T. my friend borrowed my token so i was tokenless and had to wait for someone to actually give me theirs for me to VPN.

i could complain about cimpeng and how i had to wait for 1 hour at the bank on Monday just to TT, only for the person at the counter to ask me why i didn't fill up a different form instead? bongoks nak mati. they had 5 freaking counters, so many customers, yet only 1-2 counters were operating. apart from that, my atm card has disfunctioned twice, in which i have to bear the expenses, and furthermore they charged rm30 for a loan statement which only consisted of ONE freakin' piece of paper *&$(#&@*&#($.

i haven't eaten and pumped yet, ok? and it's 3am. so... sabar je lah membaca my mindless ramblings at 3am haha. i think i might just remodify this post later on once i get my jive back. for now, it's little miss grumpy for you.

i'm off to eat something before gas starts kicking in. nite everyone.


Rozy said...

u take care okeh!!
hope they are fine now.

szarihan said...

take care n fast recovery eh
p.s: rajin sungguh stay up stalking that rumput...sib baik dah dpt haha