March 18, 2008

rain, boredom and email

i admit, lately i've been rather demotivated to do my work in the office. i have no idea why. maybe it's probably because i'm stuck doing the most boring thing ever, or because it's freezing like no tomorrow in the office due to the heavy duty airconditioning (plus it rains in the evenings), or because i feel soo tired i wish i could curl up under my table with my blankie and simply doze off, lol.

so there i was pretending to be busy, but in actuality busy collecting Easter eggs on (fluff)Friends, and checking all my mail for spam or anything else remotely interesting, when i came across an email from a 'long time fren'. i almost mistook it for junk mail. haha. anyway, turns out that the email was indeed from a friend whom i haven't heard from in years. i find the contents of the email quite intruiging actually. it makes me think how simple it is for a friend to change into a completely different person as time passes by. sometimes you're not even sure what made them change in the first place. anyway, there's not much you can do about it but wonder. so me and my friend were both wondering. and so far we haven't come up with anything. haha.

my appetite isn't as ravenous as it was the past few weeks, but the feeling to ensure my stomach is never empty is still there. already sick and tired of all my lunch options. new approach is to eat 'just because the other person's hungry'. ahahah. is that a good enough reason? i don't think so. maybe i just miss my mom's cooking. haven't been down there in a while. weekends are always busy with one thing or another.

anway, my current wishlist of the moment:
1. Oakley sunglasses
2. Habib Jewel diamond stud earrings
3. z610i
4. 'A' locket and chain


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