a few Kangas that are droolworthy to my taste, lol
owners (L-R): unknown, Pah, Fazie, Liz, unknown
owners (L-R): unknown, Pah, Fazie, Liz, unknown
can you see that i'm surprisingly moving towards purple these days? haha)
KP is the current fever. i realized that what Farrah said was right, although KP is highly rated among babywearing moms, they're a bit design-challenged. that makes them not unique. heck there's already 4 sunflower carbon copies in Malaysia.
i still haven't gotten over Kanga fever, mainly because it seems like i've been waiting forever while people right and left have gotten theirs. sigh.
so... i'm patiently waiting my turn and hoping pp doesn't run out by the time my turn swings around. lol.
bile nak my turn ni? =((( (p/s. lix i miss my monkey!)
lol... sorry for this non-informative post =P
and then there were 3....
my sunflower on its way to US oredi :D
oh so sadddd... you sold it off already?
mana nak beli tu? suka la...
naziah!!!! hiii!!! =D
stalk thebabywearer.com. or you can join her yahoogroups if you'd like to stalk a custom slot... =P~~~~
sukanya dia!!!!! yes, i've been a zombie for almost half a year. put more pictures of ur second girl. aku tgh suka nak tgk baby kecik2 ni!
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