November 24, 2011

what being a year older gives you

my only birthday present this year lol

sigh. what a way to start my 30th year. two days after turning a decade minus 1, my iPhone decided to go kaput on me. i mean seriously kaput. this morning twas working fine, then the next thing you know it's 'No Signal', then when you restart POOF sorry, emergency calls only @_@ and it never sends out periodic warnings to you in advance to back up everything you have in your phone beforehand. so you see why i prefer writing down my to-do-lists instead of storing them into any form of electronic gadgets - ini lah jadinya. sigh. i have never felt so bored in my entire life.

- no reading mails sporadically
- no twitter updates
- no Smurfs (eGAD!)
- no Whatsapping my peeps
- no easy access to FB
- no taking crappy pictures spontaneously
- no SMS-ing my favorite people
- no SoundHound when i hear a cool song on the radio and i dunno what the title and who the artist is

and the list goes on, no doubt. turnaround time is 14 days (2 freaking weeks!!!!). how am i to survive??? oh please please please to everyone who is important, don't be trying to call me today. i can only send it for repair tomorrow because i don't have the warranty card with me. double sigh.

prior to this, my monitor at home went wonky. it hibernates, and lo and behold, it doesn't want to wake up from its slumber! i use dual monitor at home, so while the younger one wakes up instantly, the older one i have to wait 5 mins, baru mau bangun, then it got longer - 10 mins baru bangun, one time it was almost an hour before it responded (getting older, eh?) until one time the display didn't want to respond at all @_@. but anyway, we had it like since 2007 so it's done us alot of justice anyway. i had to send that for repair too. just got it back this morning, thank goodness. i'm tired of quarelling with Dayana over the monitor ("Mommy i wanna watch Papee Band!!!" T__T).

i had to decline my friend's invite to watch Breaking Dawn with her this evening because i have no way of being contacted 'cept for Skype. that is if i'm in front of the PC-lah, i don't even have a land-line. boo. i might be watching stag btw, if i get the time to watch it before Significant Other reaches home next weekend.

ok lah, i'm in a really grumpy mood today. i pray things doesn't get any worse later. the best part today was just as i was about to further wallow in my misery, i got this tweet from IslamSpeaks:

For you who's day did'nt go as planned, Alhamdulillah it is a reminder that Allah is the best of planners.

ok so the English was abit kaput, but i do hope it holds a double meaning for me. sigh i've been obsessed with checking my emails the past couple of weeks and wishing that the phone would ring. i got to realize that i'm too old for all this, hahahaha.

1 comment:

Ummi to Hamzah said...

cheer up lilly dear :) i didnt go to see breaking dawn yet anyway.had things to do the whole day yesterday and was already tired by evening.definitely will catch it next week but it'll be at alamanda prolly with a gf.tues/wed.if u like to join let me know.