so... who's who? =D thought i'd do this for kicks. haha. chomel tak? the only other difference is their ages. Dayana was roughly about 5 months + in the photo, Dinara just turned 4 months. Dayana was still really tiny at this age, with Dinara i can already feel the strain with one-shoulder carriers. hehe.
i haven't been updating as regularly as i should. off to complete my WR =D. and i'm not seeming to generate the very same error. geramnya!!!
clever! hehehe..both look alike meh...chumels...rumet, i tgh plan gathering kat broga..picnic sambil menikmati sunrise..what say u??
p/s - i pun dh start blogging...ahahahah
broga tu apa? hahaha. what's ur blog url? bak tgk.
tp kalau u blog pasal tudung2 ke, jubah2 ke i takmo baca AHAHAHAHA
ahahaha..broga itu adelah sebijik bukit dong.... =p~
tambi..blog jubah tudung itu adelah blog bisnes..i buat blog yg lagi satu ni blog merapu meraban je..
baru ade 3 posts..ahahaha
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