being a petite mama, it's kinda difficult to find the ONE carrier that will really fit me nicely. so i've been reading up on the carriers by brand that are available and am trying to make my final decision based on people's reviews and recommendations (not to mention the designs as well =P). in a way i'm lucky that i'm petite, i get to narrow down my choices as not all carriers fit small mamas. but unlucky in the sense that i need to have them custom made (tambah $ lagi!) and i really really need to be sure with my final decision because if i buy and it can't fit, then rugi duit only.
so after mingling around in the forums, i've narrowed down my choices to the following carriers (note i haven't tried any of them out IRL yet).
1) Angelpack LX Grandiflora
farrah has this one. she's been doing alot of research and according to her, the APLX is really suitable for petite mamas. i got a feel of shida's Angelpack last weekend at the meet up. the body felt kinda soft and squishy (i prefer a sturdier body for an ssc) but i think hers isn't an LX. i'm not too fond of this carrier, probably because i haven't found the love yet, so far action photos hasn't managed to convince me. i like this print however=D.
2) Beco 4th Gen Cocoa Butterfly
to me, the beco 4th gen looks more petite than the butterfly i and ii. there's a mama who owns a beco and was kind enough to let her beco go travelling to let other mamas have a try =). i resisted the urge to just grab one online without trying it on first. they don't produce this anymore, so there's not alot of them out there. i can't wait to try it out for myself. it comes with a chest strap and hood.
3) Petite Calyx Parterre
i'm not sure why i suddenly felt like looking this brand up, but i like they way it looked 'petite'.
i think farrah kept mentioning that this brand was more suitable for petite mamas, besides the APLX. hani says it's more suitable for back carry than front carry. i guess i need to read up more on this first. this is the only color i wish i could have at the moment. if anyone sees this up for grabs, please pm me!
4) O&A Purple Hearts
okay so this one might be a bit big for petite mamas like me, but i can't help it, i love the design =P. luckily the amount of pp that i have stopped me from bagging this beauty. i was lucky to see and feel elly's o&a in real life and decide that my daughter might drown in it (along with me as well, you'd only be seeing the carrier instead of me hahahah). the o&a was really soft and heavy, but really surportive. without even trying it on, i wasn't sure if it was for me. i hope i get another chance to meet up with elly next time. i am determined to sumbat my daughter in it to try, lol. (yes lix, i was smitten by this too. it's just too pricey even after having 2 owners, huhu).
or i could just go local and try Syaz's latest soon-to-be-launched product, the Jumpsac SSC. fast-fast let me test it out, girl! lol
or Liz's new SSC. i don't think she's put it up for sale yet, though. it's her first one =)
i found one at fsot for petite calyx for 115USD, with hood, but its about the same price if u order a new custom made now my dear.
i love the O&A purple hearts print, it has been reduced to 137USD, duhhh.. like 3 dollars less..hahaha
i think Liz thinking of making her SSC upon request. looks comfortable, i pun teringin nak try :)
above all, APLX rules!!!
that one has been sold off already, the parterre =(
if i order a custommade one pun, that particular pattern dah takde already. at the moment i'm not liking the current available patterns.
maybe next time?
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