April 30, 2009

eight month old Dayana

my little girl is 8 months old! but Daddy's in Dubai at the moment, though. don't worry, will take more photos of her to show (and i really need to get around to developing them).

here's her 8 months milestone:

1. i dunno how much she weighs because her next immunization isn't until her first birthday. so no weighing machine available.

2. she sleeps on her side sometimes. before falling asleep she will twist and turn for a bit before she settles herself to sleep. sometimes she overdoes it and flops over on to her tummy. usually i'll have to stop her from doing this if not she'll never fall asleep. she sleeps with her Chewy =D

3. she doesn't smile at just anyone now. she'll peer at you very carefully at first before deciding if you're friend or foe. if you're friend, she'll give you her gummy grin. if you're foe, she'll keep giving you the icy stare.

4. despite the smile-factor, she's more accepting towards strangers, i've noticed. i find it amazing that she didn't kick up a fuss with the maid on the first day she arrived at the house. if we go to my inlaws place it'll take a while before she warms up to the members of the family.

5. she just found out that she has a very powerful voice. the past week she's been testing her voice power by belting out mariah carey screams. hahahaha. i noticed this development last week when my maid first started taking care of her while Mommy and Daddy go to work.

6. apart from screaming, she meniaraps at every opportunity. so far we need more than 2 pairs of eyes to keep tabs on her. if we put her down on the floor mat, the next thing you know she'd be stuck under a table or the nearest piece of furniture. beats me how she does it. backward slither, perhaps? =P

daddyy i'm stuck! =(

7. she's more accustomed to eating now. and in bigger quantities too. my maid feeds her porridge twice a day. she poops twice a day as well, i think. i noticed when i get home from work there will always be a dirty diaper waiting specially for yours truly to change. i think she does that on purpose, haha *shudders at the thought of having to wash a poopified CD*.

mommy stop taking my photo and put on my diaper now please~

8. she wants to play with other things apart from her toys. i suspect she's bored with her collection already *hint hint*. and everything must pass her QC - mouth first.

9. she had her first hair fringe trim! her hair texture is really fine and soft, curled into little ringlets, a trait that make babies seem even cuter. in fact, i think she looks just like her Daddy when he was little. but i hope that it'll eventually straighten out. wouldn't want her to inherit the curliness from the other side of the family. wavy pun dah cukup.

see how funky my hair is! lol

10. recently i tried giving her milk using her MAM bottle. when she was younger she'd accept any bottle. but when i handed her the bottle, she only chewed on the teat and refused to drink. when i transferred the milk into her usual Avent bottle, mau pulak she minum. haiz.

11. she's outgrowing most of her clothes already. now she can fit Carter's 6 months, and is about to outgrow Mothercare 0-3 months (lol). her grandparents have already bought a couple of sleeping outfits for her, 6-12 months size. i'm on a mission to utilize every single outfit that she has before she outgrows them completely.

mommy now that i'm about to outgrow this dress, can i get new ones?

did i miss out anything? when Dayana turns 9 months old i plan to get her some stacking rings and a soft shapes sorter. and some boardbooks too =P.

excuse me. i want to go nuts over stila first.

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