i keep procrastinating my posts these days because i always have something preoccupying my mind one way or another. recently the house blew a couple of fuses so that's unforseen expenses out the door.
first one blew at the main fuse outside (which explains the partial blackout).
second fuse kicked the main supply downstairs, found out the autogate was the culprit, further investigation revealed cicaks to be the MAIN CULPRIT of the electricity failure. stupid cicaks. takbley berasmara tempat lain ke? alas, you literally got fried. haha. oops.
here's some quick updates for my 7-month old and my 2y7mo dot:
# she has mastered the rolling technique, and can manage to turn 360 degrees on her tummy. has yet to attempt crawling yet, she'll slink away like a caterpillar and has already attempted mini push ups.
# she doesn't like the apple and mango combination i gave her the other day. each time a spoonful enters her mouth she'll scrunch up her little fast in protest (but swallows it anyway haha).
# she likes peas and zucchinni though. interesting...
# easily distracted, especially during bf time. more interested in the world than refuelling.
# depending on her mood, i can just leave her with a bunch of toys/distractions around her to occupy herself with while i go run errands.
# her hair is not as thick as Dayana's hair last time, hers is really thin and flyaway.
# she's fascinated with plastic, or things that crinkle like plastic.
# is still my favorite wearee of all time :D
# i feel the weight each time i carry her in my bare arms. thank God for babywearing. now i just need to convince myself i don't need that many.
# i love her smiles. morning, noon and night.
# i recently bought her a coloring book to color in. at times of sheer boredom she'll end up coloring the floor, the doors and even the carpet T_T. thank goodness the crayons are washable.
# has learned the differences between Snow White, Cindelella, Ariel and Beauty. prasan that she is the Snow White character. the most-played movie to date is Beauty & the Beast. heck i think she has memorized 3/4 of the movie.
# her words and pronounciation is getting more clearer now. however she still insists that her baby sister's name is DIYAYA AMANI!
# she goes 'MA! MA!' whenever she wants something. it's really annoying, i tell you. she used to say this alot previously, i didn't understand what it meant then.
# chugs alot of milk at night. and dispense alot of 'water' in turn. and not like she'd tell me that it's time for a change. sometimes she will, sometimes she don't. grrr. how to potty train like this? @_@
# shares only certain toys with Dinara.
# seems to fail at color-indentifying. practically ever color we ask her to identify she'll tell us that it's 'geen'. haih. Significant Other is wondering if she's color blind T_T.
# loves talking to her Wan on Skype. bebel apa pun tak tau.
# corrects us sometimes. i remember playing flash cards with Dayana, and i purposely held the card upside down, she quickly help to turn the card the right way up and tell me, 'upside down lah!'. clever! a few more would be:
-- not Dear, Mommy lah!
-- not Kalish, Angah lah!
Formula 1 in Malaysia this weekend. for the past weekends i always had something planned, something to do, some event to attend. this weekend is Formula 1. didn't get tickets for this year though =(.
sgt amaze la kat u (envy pon ade gak) sbb still bleh update ur kids punye progress despite ur tight schedule. keep it up!!
ala, belasah je, sementara tgh lull in between assignments, hentam je tulis whatever i can remember on the top of my head hihi. u have 3 kids now! how hebat is that? :D :D
lily that pic of you and dinara super sweet :)
can't wait for my very own..oh wait i need to kahwin first . LoL
nway my new link :D
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